
Friday May 28, 2021
Nerds that Know
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- Love, Death, & Robots - We want more!
- Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir - Worth the read
- Comic Book News - Last Ronan 3 is out this week - Heroes Reborn - Shudder Bug
- Army of the Dead - MWHAHAHAHAHA
- Black Adam or Shaz-Adam
- Eternals - Trailer looked so cool
- Dear Evan Hansen - Musicals are back in theatres!
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #cosmiclevelofgreatness #film #twists #goodboy #GeorgetheSexyLibrarian #Humans #Futurestuff #AI #interpretation #showpiece #isolation #lonesurvivor #Aretimis #TheMartian #insanityseries #isamov #worththewait #nospoliers #dexter-ish #trainwreck #zombies #zombiequeen #bodybuilding #suicidesquad

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture as Smurfs is joined by our sponsored https://siouxsiequeues.com/ in studio this week to give their take on some of the trending shows and stories around the Geekverse. Starting with Jupiter’s Legacy and the bold choices the series took. A Star Wars deep dive as both flex their knowledge on the EU and how it could relate to the Bad Batch.
Army of the dead hit and Smurf has a whole lot of thoughts and feelings around it as he explains it to Suz and as they compare it to some of Snyder’s other movies. A new animated Batman series is coming Enola Homes 2, Marvel and just what they hope to see after watching the new Eternals trailer. Scifi, Marvel, books, and more from your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #MCU #Marvel #DC #NewMovies #Trailers #Netflix #Jupiterslegacy #ArmyoftheDead #Snyder #StarWars #BadBatch #NewEpisode #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify

Friday May 21, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
#Podcast #WGU it’s a stroll down collector lane this week with James Farnsworth, the owner of All C’s Collectibles. We talk about trends old and new with how things have changed in the collecting world over the years for comics, cards, and games. Including stories from back in the day from here in Colorado and across the country. Also some surprise announcements about the Fan Expo on June 12 & 13 and the new location about to fly the All C’s flag coming in July.
Then it’s a toy opening you don’t want to miss as PJ and Smurf build a Bane, mix a drink, and talk about the new Doctor Doom bust from Diamond Select in stores now. To shred or not to shred as we ask you if we should open a figure for the studio. All of this and more sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/ for your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #collecting #collecting101 #Comics #Cards #Games #AllCsCollectibles #Toyreview #ToyOpen #Batman #BuildBane #Statue #DoctorDoomStatue #Interview #Spotlight #PointsofArticulation #POA #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify

Friday May 14, 2021
Nerds that Know
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time....

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/, ! This week it’s a spotlight edition of Weekend Geek Update as Smurf talks with Xander Smith. You may not know the name but you have seen his work. Xander is the concept artist behind the villain in Scream Queens and more recently a monster in Godzilla Vs. Kong. They talk horror, his influences and experiences on his last few projects.
But before all of that Smurf mixes up a couple of nerdy rum inspired cocktails in the Taste Buddz Bar to start off the interview. A little rum a few stories, Xander tries his hand a being a Ghostbuster, and whole lot of excitement for all on your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #Monsters #Horror #Godzillavskong #ScreamQueens #Creaturedesign #conceptart #Interview #Spotlight #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify

Sunday May 09, 2021
Nerds that Know
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.... - Invincible - Season 1 successfully wrapped up the first year of the comics-
Dexter! He's back and we'll see what happens next - Jeff Goldblum is guesting on a D&D Podcast - we all enjoy a good RPG and Podcast (check out 5280 Geek our sister podcast) - Vivo - Lin Manuel Miranda... it has Bobbi's attention - Yasuke -
Netflix is branching out with Anime and all African American cast - Kipo & the Wonder Beasts - Made for the kiddos but entertaining for us too - Sweet Tooth -
When Robert Downey Jr. and his wife work together we have been impressed - Green Lantern TV Show on HBO Max - We expect to see stories that haven't gotten much attention in the past -
MCU - We've been given a calendar, trailers, and so much more.... There's a lot to come
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #netflix #amazonprime #HBOGO #Disney+ #streaming #RPG #D&D #moonbootwearingasshole #strongcast #lanterncorp #stanlee #tears #avengersassemble #calendar #releasedates #talkingaboutit #badbatch #clonewars #mutliculturalism #interesting #storytelling #socialstatement #classsist #perrymason #truetoyourcode #darkpassenger #highhopes #mediocreexpectations #closetocomic #2more #moreseasons #renewed #forecasting #immortal #slowburn #allofthem #yearofbooks #playwithme #lifegoals #transitiongoals #linmanuelmiranda #pegot #books #innuendo #smurfwins #bear #walkingdead #topbottom #leather #pleaseandthankyou #maui #dwaynejohnson #tomcruise #tylerperry #sharknado

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/, ! Smurf and PJ catch you up on some of the local events going on, a snazzy upgraded studio, and the rundown on a few news items. Starting with Falcone and the Winter Soldier, Invincible closes season 1 but season 2 and 3 are confirmed. What is Jeopardy? Lots of stories surrounding one of the greatest games shows of all time.
Is it a toy if it can transform itself? A new trailer for a Netflix show based on an odd DC Vertigo title and here’s what we know. Green Lantern heads to HBO but it’s not the Lantern we expected and that’s a good thing , while Meow Wolf heads to Denver. All of this and more from your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #MCU #Marvel #Streaming #NewMovies #Trailers #Transformers #Invincible #MeowWolf #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify

Friday Apr 30, 2021
Nerds that Know
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms.
Topics up for discussion this time.... - Falcon & Winter Soldier - or should we say Captain America and the Winter Soldier..... - Invincible - Only 1 episode left....
- Nevers - The guys are tapping out on this one - Shadow & Bone - not the same old thing and we're enjoying it - Mortal Kombat - weellll...... - Thor: Love & Thunder - we've seen some sneaks and we have hope - John Wick Prequel
- Trailers - M.O.D.O.K, West Side Story, Tom Clancy's Without Remorse, Summer of Soul
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #netflix #amazonprime #HBOGO #Disney+ #streaming #wardogsofwakanda #punintended #montage #failedavengers #darkavengers #secretavengers #toldyouso #cooler #smackdown #lovecraftian #voiceactors #tappingout #swansong #burnitdown #ageofenlightenment #somethingdifferent #YAwithdarktwist #YA #whowashe #noone #trailerspoiledit #gorrthebutcher #5years #olympus #playstation #treadwater #playnice #spidey #spiderman #videopass #bill&ted #militaryschool #shakeyground #pattonoswald #hulu #documentary #Harlemculturalfestival

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/, ! It’s been a full week of TV and movies and Smurf is here with his take on a few of them starting with his final thoughts on Falcone and the Winter Soldier. What and who it possibly sets up for future stories and what he’s wishing for? It wouldn’t be a podcast if Smurf didn’t talk about food and his feelings around the end of the latest Hell’s Kitchen including thoughts of the next batch of cooks coming in.
Con updates for the All C’s Fan Expo in June and a surprise for Colorado Festival of Horror in September. Smurf watched the new Mortal Kombat, he has a few reactions and compares it to the original to see which one did it better. Local powerhouse artist Monte Michael Moore has a specular kick starter you will want to be part of, check out the link below. All of this and more on your Weekend Geek Update
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #MCU #Marvel #Streaming #NewMovies #HellsKitchen #localartist #kickstarter #MortalKombat #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Nerds that Know
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. We missed a week for traveling (sorry everyone) and there's a lot to catch up on Topics up for discussion this time.... - Invincible - Stache has finally joined the Cool Kids Club and watched
- Falcon & Winter Soldier - It's so intense we don't know if we could handle another season (luckily there isn't one planned) - Shang-Chi Trailers have dropped - we have mixed feelings - New Mutants (on HBO) - We all agree on this one
- Nevers - Why does Joss Whedon have to write women so well and be such a dick?
- Love, Death, and Robots - Stache is as excited as a kid in a candy store. - Video Game Trailers - Resident Evil Village, Aztec Forgotten Gods, TMNT, Raji, Hood, and Skul
- Amazon's Lord of the Rings - Series and MMO - Power Puff Girls Reboot on CW - Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for ..... who knows what...
- DCEU - Dwayne Johnson seems to be the most powerful person at WB and Robert Pattinson seems to be the whinnyiest
- F9 - CARS in SPACE!! - Kevin Smith is doing something new with Kilroy Was Here
- Army of the Dead - This one made Smurf squeal like a little kid
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #DCEU #MCU #truetothebook #truetocomic #teamzemo #midnightsuns #thunderbolts #KevinSmith #KevinSmithSponsorUs #ComicBooks #mommaissues #periodpiece #josswhedon #hewillcutyou #newstories #foxspirit #animation #characterdevelopment #xmen #fox #demonbear #nojustice #therock #dwaynejohnson #ryanreynolds #moisturizeme #bigpicture #billions #legendsofthehiddentemple #Carsinspace #hootinany #family #lovabledoof #comidictiming #davebatisita #WWE #meathead