
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Nerds that Know
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- Rick & Morty : Returning to true form
- Loki : They're playing with tropes and we like it
- Witcher Season 2 : Confirmed for 2021
- Scream 5 : Please be a legit scary movie....
- The Long Halloween: Part 1 is out!
- Spielberg and Netflix - looking forward to what we'll see from Amblin - Umbrella Academy Season 3: Take a look at the Sparrow Academy
- Wrapping up E3 - Nintendo has a great press conference
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #Gaming #consolegaming #pressconferences #gameplay #Newgames #SparrowAcademy #UmbrellaAcademy #Witcher #Netflix #DarkKnight #StrangerThings #streaming #slasherflick #badmovies #trope #scifi #expectations #comicbook #PrincessBride #KevinFiege #Sexonunicorn #Fanservice #switch #announcements

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture as Smurf delivers his take on some of the different events around the Geekverse sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/ . Starting with the bombshell news of a Fan Expo Denver happening before the end of the year. No guest announcements yet but dates to watch and what does this mean for the other con going on at the same time. A new Transformers movie title and characters are announced, Witcher season 2, and Netflix signs a big name to help create movies for them. Smurfs big takeaway from E3 and his reaction to one of the most obscure character choices.
It may only be episode two for Loki but Smurf has some thoughts and the real identity of the female version of Loki, all of this and more from your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #MCU #Marvel #NewMovies #Trailers #Netflix #FanExpoDenver #Comics #Transformers #Witcher #E3 #NewEpisode #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Nerds that Know
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- In the Heights - Hits and misses - Other Lin Manuel Miranda Projects
- Lego Masters - Season 2 is not living up to Season 1
- Events in CO over the weekend - CO Springs Comic and Toy Con & All C's Collectibles Expo
- E3 - They're making up for last year! (Bobbi gets a little lost)
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #InTheHeights #LinManuelMiranda #PEGOT #musicals #broadway #prolific #agelimits #footinmouth #E3 #WestSideStory #MovieMusicals #LegoMasters #lego #badbatch #momentofgeek #covidnumbers #postcovid #postpandemic #starwars #conseason #consareback #conpricing #covidpricing #501st #toys #collectibles #E3 #videogames #LivestreamQ&A #Actionfigures #PrideMonth #GayChristmas #GeekOn #Gaming #kidsgames #preshow #multidaycoverage #consolegaming #pressconferences #gameplay #anniversary

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
#Podcast #WGU it’s the reunion show as Smurf has fellow podcaster Josh Hawks from Points of Interest in studio to chat about the health of the Geekverse. How the world of the podcaster has changed over the past year and thoughts of the future. Then it’s on to #geeeknews, shows that have our interest and the ones that don’t. What does post-COVID #Conlife look like and what con’s are planning an event for the 2021 year, and a bit about weed. All of this and more, sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/ this is your Weekend Geek Update!
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #MCU #Marvel #loki #Weed #gaming #Comics #NewEpisode #POI #PointsOfInterest #303Ninja #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #podbean

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored https://siouxsiequeues.com/ as Smurf takes the show on the road to the All C’s Fan Expo and a spotlight interview. It’s a deep dive into the Geekverse with the extraordinary Yuan twins Matt and John. Everything from Star Trek, Agents of Shield, Comics, and Games; this episode has it all as we hear about their different appearances on TV and the big screen. What do this mischief duo have in store next? You have to listen to find out on Your Weekend Geek Update!
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #YuanTwins #Interview #ConLife #MCU #Marvel #AgentsofShield #StarTrek #Observeandreport #gaming #Comics #NewEpisode #SpotlightInterview #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #podbean

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Nerds that Know
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms.
Topics up for discussion this time.
- Jupiter's Legacy - Cancelled in a super shit way
- The Boys - Jensen Ackles is looking the part of Soldier Boy
- Coming to Netflix This Month - They are ALL OVER the place - HeMan and SheRa - The new HeMan is sticking to the original source material - Sweet Tooth - WOW.... just WOW....
- Legos!! - The release of the new Star Wars sets and Season2 of Lego Masters.... we have an idea for Tank and Smurf.....
- Bad Batch - The story is building
- Loki - We can't wait to talk about it next week!! - In the Heights!!!! - We are super excited!!
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #SheRa #MCU #HeMan #TomHiddleston #DirectConnection #CarsInSpace #FIller #Trope #BountyHunters #OwenWilson #DCEU #Outofcontrol #Awesome #Wow #OFLegos #StardewValley #StoryArc #MoralAmbiguity #GenderBend #Sandman #Lucifer #Vertigo #GraphicNovel #Toys #ChildActors #NeilGamon #Studio #SunflowerOil #VideoGames #SpinOff #Hulu #Netflix #Wanted #Criminals #Shadow&Bone #SomethingBigger #FacialHair #Anime #NotWhatWeThought #Broadway #Showtunes #LinManuelMiranda

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/, ! Smurf gives you the rundown and his take on a few stories from around the Geekverse that have caught his eye starting with the tragic Jupiter’s Legacy. The Boys season three shows off Soldier Boy and Jensen Ackles suited up for the 7. Reactions to Sweet Tooth, a new star added to the Matrix, Locke & Key season 2, and Donnie Yen lending a few moves to John Wick 4.
Then Smurf is joined in studio for another Artist Spotlight by local author Ian Brazee-Cannon. It’s a wild ride into the world of Georgie and Armand as Ian explains his series of books available directly or on Amazon. The origin story for him becoming a writer, the world of the independent publisher and Ian’s hopes for his characters and future projects. Don’t forget about the All C’s Fan Expo this weekend where the entire 5280 team will be; this is your Weekend Geek Update
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #Matrix #TheBoys #Streaming #Netflix #JohnWick #SweetTooth #Scifi #YA #SpotlightInterview #LocalAuthor #Interview #Disney #Friends #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Nerds that Know
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- Amazon is buying MGM - Can the industry survive? - Paramount+ is reviving the show Evil - after only 2 years since the show ended
- Cobra Kai Season 4 - Thoughts on what's coming next

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/, ! This week our spotlight interview is with local artist Matt Campbell! We discover more about his ongoing title Mythica and just why you need to be reading it including Actionline Studios and how to join the Actionline Army. It’s a deep dive into the different styles of art, as Matt talks about teaching, the challenges of self-publishing, and the normal geek talk of comics and art you have come to expect from us.
Then it’s Points of Articulation time as Smurf and PJ open a couple of new Bad Batch figures from the new Star Wars Black series. Could these be the best yet in the series? Will someone get a paper cut opening the figure? All of these questions and more to be answered in you Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #SelfPublishing #IndieComic #Mythica #ActionlineStudios #LocalArtist #Interview #Soptlight #OriginalArt #Kickstarter #ToyOpen #StarWars #BadBatch #PointsofArticulation #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/, ! Smurf the rundown and his take on a few shows, movies, and news items. Starting with his take to Hell’s Kitchen season 20, an awful rumor surrounding the Flash, and reactions to the Friends reunion. Smurf has plans on how he’s going to train for the show returning to Fox tonight.
Reactions to Cruella, Lucifer does a musical, and more characters are announced for The Sandman coming to Netflix soon. The All C’s Fan Expo, information on the interview we will be posting later in the week, a must read comic series coming soon, and soooo much more on your Weekend Geek Update
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #DC #Sandman #Streaming #Netflix #NewMovies #HellsKitchen #LegoMasters #Lucifer #Cruella #Disney #Friends #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify