
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Nerds that Know
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- Savanah Mega ComicCon - Bobbi went and reported back
- Masters of the Universe - It makes sense
- Lord of the Rings on Amazon - We're hopeful
- Wheel of Time - Cautiously optimistic
- Fear Street - 3 different horror stories that somehow make sense together
- American Horror Story - Season 10.... Holy Hell
- Troll Hunters, Rise of the Titans - We expected more..... sad day
- Ghostbusters Afterlife - With only the trailers we already have the feels - Ted Lasso - The nicest guy ever
- Dune - This looks EPIC
- Netflix Gaming - Will it last?
- Green Knight - Sir Gawain in a whole new light
- Venom - Bold & Brilliant
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #geek #nerd #restream #Netflix #ComicCon #HeMan #Teela #CharacterDevelopment #TrumanShow #Optimistic #NedFlanders #Hopeful #Slimer #Muncher #Recreate #EatYourSoul #Better #80sCartoon #Season2 #KevinSmith #LotR #NewZealand #Books #miniseries #horror #genre #LadyGaga #Ending #LetDown #Cameo #MeatHeads #Muscle #Softboi #softboy #exclusive #Google #AmazonPrime #gaming #BarbieDreamHouse #Boobs #1984 #LetDown #MontyPython #10outof10 #Hero #journey

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues who is looking for vendors for the new Outworld Biazaar event happening November 14. https://siouxsiequeues.com/. This week Smurf gives you the rundown on some of the stories catching his eye and his take on a couple of shows but first reactions to the Venom Let There be Carnage trailer. There may be hope yet. Whole lot of Easter Eggs in this weeks Bad Batch and a possible character from a video game.
Did someone say Flash Gordon? Looks like he’s getting a new movie, who is worthy to wield Mjolnir might surprise you, shake up at Blizzard, and all ten seasons of the Walking Dead streaming now before the premier of season 11.This week Smurf gives you his take on the new Transformers Kingdom as well as Sweet Tooth and a quick rundown on events; all of this and more from your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #DC #SweetTooth #Scifi # #Horror #Transformers #WarforCybertron #Cartoon #Venom #Carnage #StarWars #BadBatch #VideoGames #BeerRelease #Conlife #Trailers #Netflix #streaming #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Monday Aug 02, 2021
Nerds that Know
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- SpaceJam 2 - It was exactly what we expected....
- Little Mermaid : Live Action - This cast looks great
- Luca - A good message, but why do people need to label EVERYTHING
- Marvel's release schedule - 7 Movies and 7 TV shows in less than 2 years!!!
- Loki - Opens the MCU to the multiverse - Margot Robbie leaves the DCEU - Sad to see her go, but understandable
- Assassins Creed - Play time increases
- Bo Burnham Special
- We all understand
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #geek #nerd #restream #TimeKeeper #MargotRobbie #Filler #RPG #experience #TheOneWhoRemains #KangtheConqueror #Timegod #TomHiddleston #Last15min #NewBigBad #NBA #MichaelJordan #LooneyToons #LiveAction #MCU #Disney #genderroles #Hypnotic #LolaBunny #Destiny #Stageshow #musical #broadway #DragQueen #CreaturefromtheBlackLagoon #Underthetable #cast #relationships #romance #orientation #Growth #friendship #blizzard #WandaVision #Loki #Marvel #BlackWidow #Storytelling #SadStory #Fortnite #MMO #Microtransaction #TVA #endcredits #Variant #MentalHealth

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/, this week Smurf gives you the rundown on some of the stories catching his eye and his take on a couple of shows. It’s the week of trailers with reactions to the Ghostbusters Afterlife, Lucifer and the date for season 6, the new voice of Batman, and where is Umbrella Academy.
Then it’s a twofer Tuesday as Smurf does his best to give you as much a spoiler free as possible take on the two shows he watched over the weekend. Starting with the Troll Hunters Tales of Arcadia: Rise of the Titans. Then it’s The Masters of the Universe: Revelation’s turn with thoughts and some comparison to the old cartoon of the 80’s. All of this and more from your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #DC #Batman #Heman #Scifi #TrollHunters #Horror #Mastersoftheuniverse #Cartoon #Lucifer #Ghostbusters #Dune #LOTR #UnbrellaAcademy #Trailers #Netflix #newmovies #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture and our sponsor Suz of https://siouxsiequeues.com/, joins us this week in studio to chat about some of the stories catching our eye. The state of Marvel now that both Black Widow and Loki are behind us and thought’s of who the big bad could be. Star Wars of course, as Bad Batch takes us back in time for a few characters and just who could we still could see.
Reactions to Tomorrow War, Gunpowder Milkshake looks and feels like a couple of movies smashed together, Ridly Scott’s new medieval film, and what network shows Suz is missing out on according to Smurf. Con updates, new event updates, Outworld Brewery, and tonight a new LEGO release you will need to have; all of this and more from your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #Marvel #Starwars #Scifi #Actionfilms #Horror #COFOH #Conlife #Bazaar #comics #Disney #Netflix #collecting #Outworldbrewery #newmovies #LEGO #Seinfeld #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Monday Jul 19, 2021
Nerds that Know
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- The Witcher Season 2 - We finally have a date!
- Stranger Things Season 4 - Pushed to next year (but we understand)
- Bad Batch - Has picked up momentum and is still going
- Black Widow - Disappointment - Loki - Making fun of the MCU and the fans - Marvel "What If..." - Holy $#!&
- Masters of the Universe - They may be leaving SheRa out, but it still looks good
- Red Notice - This cast has our attention
- Kings Man - Is it coming too late?
- Gollum Trailer
- Spaceballs 2 'The Quest for More Money'
- Broadway News - Wicked in Concert, Company, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #geek #nerd #restream #Mancrush #trailer #Gametolife #books #stillfilming #2022 #somuchtowatch #introduction #followup #StarWars #EasterEggs #Momentum #ObiWan #SuicideSquad #CahppedAss #Placating #Asstastic #FemininePower #MCU #RedGuardian #5yrstolate #OriginStory #FIghtback #Loki #DarkAvengers #YoungAvengers #WandaVision #WOW #GloriousPurpose #Skrull #InfinityGauntlet #MultiVerse #HankPym #Antman #Antman&Wasp #MastersoftheUniverse #HeMan #Skelator #Eternia #Spaceballs #KevinSmith #RedNotice #Netflix #GalGadot #DwayneJohnson #RyanReynolds #Oceans11 #BradPitt #Kingsman #Childrearing #Spymovie #Knightsoftheroundtable #Hulu #Bill&Ted #TheHobbit #Moneygrab #TheatreNerd #Broadway #Broadwayisback

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/, this week first off is a lost toy opening. PJ and Smurf open Snake Eyes from the Classified Series and then compare to some of the other versions out there. Then Smurf has the creative powerhouse Barry McClain Jr in studio. Barry talks about his time at Valant comics his love of Saturday morning cartoons and how they influenced his own creations and approach to comics over the years.
Now Barry is about to premier his latest character from Blue Juice Comics at the Colorado Festival of Horror titled Billy the Kit with a strong adventure/horror theme to the series. It doesn’t end there as the two continue to talk cons, characters, and Barry’s adventures with The Four Color Demons; all of this and more from your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #Interview #SpotlightInterview #BarryMcClainJR #BillytheKit #Valiant #Horror #COFOH #FourColorDemon #BlueJuice #Artist #comics #indiecomics #Catroons #ClassicCartoons #collecting #ToyOpening #GIJoe #SnakeEyes #ClassicToys #conlife #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Nerds that Know
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- Bad Batch : Finally they pick up the pace
- Loki : Enchantment or Illusion? - Scarlet Witch: Reviews are already coming in - Shang Chi Trailer: Smurf is cautiously optimistic
- Black Adam - Dr. Fate costume: CGI.... really??
- Troll Hunters of Arcadia : The final piece is happening!!
- SING 2: There really doesn't need to be a sequel
- Doctor Who: Who will be the next Doctor??
- Superman & Lois: We have a theory... Doomsday??
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #geek #nerd #music #ChristmasRelease #badwriting #DrWho #LongestRunningFranchise #BilliePiper #MattSmith #JohnBarrowman #weird #netflix #rewatching #shazaamily #KarlUrban #DarkHalloween #EasterEggs #Deadpool #CGI #GreenLantern #Hulk #Cameo #AbombFight #TheRaft #10rings #Disney+ #Babysittermovies #ImrightontopofthatRose #GameofThrones #StarWars #BadBatch #MCU #Loki #Enchantress #Shellgame #ScarletWitch #Ragnarok #TimeBomb #DrStrange #MutliverseofMadness #ShangChi #Wong #BadAssery

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/, ! This week Smurf has the voice of the everyday Bronco fan and fellow broadcaster Cecil Lammey from 104.3 The Fan. It’s the deep geek dive as the two talk comics from back in the day to what’s hot now. What are some of the best issues to speculate on as the new shows and movies are starting to hit. Marvel VS. DC, Star Wars, adventures in radio, and bad impersonations.
Cecil also talks about growing up geek and how it’s opened the door to his new comic series Gravis, the world of 100 characters awaiting you at smokinguncomics.com and how Netflix fits into this; all of this and more from your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #Interview #SpotlightInterview #CecilLammey #radio #MCU #Loki #Marvel #Streaming #comics #DC #indiecomics #Gravis #smokinguncomics #collecting #streaming #NewEpisode #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify

Friday Jul 02, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by https://siouxsiequeues.com/, ! Smurf and PJ catch you up on some of the big topics floating in the geekverse starting with Loki and a couple of theory’s and thoughts on what to expect now that we are at the halfway point. Superman and Lois the best Arrowvers show of all time and who Smurf thinks is the big bad that will show up at the end of the season. Bad Batch, Doctor Fate and Shazam in need of a tailor, more cast members for The Boy’s, more trailers, and E3.
Points of Articulation fulfills on a promise and puts the power in your hand with our biggest opening and toy review so far. The Fourth of July is right around the corner so Smurf prepares something special in the Taste Buddz Bar sponsored by Sapporo Beer to help celebrate; all of this and more from your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #ConLife #Arrowverse #MCU #Loki #Marvel #Streaming #NewMovies #Trailers #Amazon #TheBoys #SupermanandLois #DC #Shazam #E3 #ToyOpening