
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Nerds that Know
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- What if...? - Season 1 Episode 4
- Nan Desu Kan (NDK) - Stash, Fox, and their perspective partners went. All in all an Excellent Con!
- Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings - Excellent showing at the box office and worth a watch
- Matrix 4: Resurrections - Teaser gets everyone excited; especially Stash
- Joker Trilogy - An interesting move... can they keep up with what they did in the first movie?
- Dune & Sequels - 7 minute standing ovation at the showing
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #geek #nerd #10rings #Disney+ #MCU #ShangChi #CuttingEdge #Innovation #BillandTed #IMAX #Trailer #sequel #nostalgia #cosplay #danceparty #LoveDeathandRobots #Storytelling #LazyRiver #TalktoStrangers #ExtraYear #RecordYear #ArtistAlley #Masks #GameofThrones #Burlesque #LookingHottie #ActingThoughty #Rave #CarShow #Dune #MesiahofDune #OriginalBook #HBOMax #DavidLynch #MarvelFormula #Armor #FullMetalAlchemist #MentalIllness #Nontraditional #TheWatcher #Multiverse #NoWayHome #Logical

Friday Sep 10, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
#Podcast from the Colorado Festival of Horror Smurf sits down with scream queen legend Brinke Stevens to talk about the golden days of horror. Along with some of the current projects, what scares her, and what are the best comfort movies you can watch if your not a horror buff.
Brinke also dives into to some of her experiences on and off set in the paranormal, what’s the score between her vs the killers, the day and the life of a scream queen, and what would an Expendables style Scream Queens revenge look like. A legend in the horror world is here for the weekend and Smurf has a glimpse into what you can expect if you stop by COFOH this weekend and more for you Weekend Geek Update.
#Interview #COFOH #BrinkeStevens #ScreamQueens #ClassicHorror #Horror #HorrorLegend #WeekendEvents #80Horror #SlumberPartyMassacre #Legend #Popculture #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Nerds that Know
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
reviewed what if...? s1e3 talked about the darker tone of ep 3 and 4 and how they differed from the first two episodes. Disney willing to make darker content makes us hopeful for future endeavors and their desire to cater to adults with some of their content. Mentioned background of series potentially telling a bigger narrative.

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsiequeues https://siouxsiequeues.com/. This week it’s the return of Red to the podcast! The adventures start right away as we get caught up with what has been going on since last she was part of the show. What’s she watching, adventures in Halloween, Star Wars, and best of all one of her world famous theories as to who Cable is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Then it’s all about Red’s new children’s picture book that will be premiering at the Colorado Festival of Horror (COFOH). It’s all about Lil Boo and his Snow Day but how Red got here what went into creating the character, the book, and what future adventures Boo is going on. There’s so much to talk about it’s hard to know when to stop so get ready for all of this and more on your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #DC #Marvel #Horror #Witcher #Cartoon #StarWars #Disney #Comics #COFOH #LilBoo #ChildrensBook #Conlife #PictureBook #Netflix #streaming #NewEpisode #IndiePublisher #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsiequeues who is in studio this week to help Smurf with some of the big topics. https://siouxsiequeues.com/. Smurf finally gives you his take on Bad Batch and a couple of theories of what he expects next.
Before that a follow up to the COFOH Beer release at Outworld, the Spider-Man trailer and reactions, What If… so far with season two announced, and comic artist’s announced for Denver Fan X. Sandman original art hit’s the auction block, Cowboy Bebop, Wheel of Time, and so much more on your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #DC #Marvel #Horror #Whatif #Spiderman #Cartoon #StarWars #Disney #CowboyBebop #Comics #BeerRelease #Conlife #COFOH #Trailers #Netflix #streaming #NewEpisode #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Nerds that Know
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Smurf, Stache, and Fox left us to our own devices again.... so we brought in a guest.
Meet Useful Mammal Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- Suicide Squad 2 - Much more Comic Book than the first
- What if....? - Marvel has another great show - Eternals - Will it go straight to Disney+? - Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings - Testing the waters in theatres before going to streaming
- Star Wars: Visions - Anime Star Wars!
- Avatar, Last Air Bender Live Action - We willed it into existence
- South Park Deal and Casa Bonita - with all that money they can afford it - Play Station bought Crunchy Roll - and now we wait....
- Reminiscence, Witcher Movie and other premieres - We'll discuss these more next week
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #geek #nerd #restream #Netflix #Disney #MCU #JamesGunn #Lunatic #Brutal #ComicBoook #Parenting #KingShark #IdrisElba #WillSmith #CaptainCarter #CaptianBritain #LittleChanges #Details #Hydra #Eldergods #KungFuMovie #Connecting #Cameo #CaptianAmerica #CaptainFalcon #Eternals #Anime #MidasTouch #StarWarsLegends #GeorgeTakai #LucasFilms #FuckYouGeorge #SixthSense #Broken #WestWorld #Braincandy #hopeful

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues who is looking for vendors for the new Outworld Biazaar event happening November 14. https://siouxsiequeues.com/. This week Smurf gives you his take on two different shows; the launch of “What If…?” focused on Peggie Carter taking charge and the premier of season two of Stargirl .
Before that a follow up, as we get the rest of the story for Casa Bonita, Disney + gives us a Star Wars trailer unlike any other. Nerf offers up the best preorder of all time while Marvel calls it quits on a title that has been killing it for the last couple of years but guaranties a major blow out. Buzz Light year gets a movie, and there’s a chance to see Shang-Chi early at your local IMAX theater tomorrow. A reminder of the #COFOH beer launch party this Saturday that you don’t want to miss and so much more on your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #DC #Marvel #Horror #Whatif #Cartoon #StarWars #Disney #SouthPark #Nerf #Comics #Shangchi #BeerRelease #Conlife #Trailers #Netflix #streaming #NewEpisode #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Nerds that Know
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Recording on an off night due to the fires in CO. (We're OK, but the smoke was getting to us). Didn't want you to miss out any of our crazy so Tank and Bobbi tackled topics as the Dynamic Duo!
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- Scarlett Johansson & Disney - Even Kevin Fiege is embarrassed
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 & Idris Elba - Knuckles is getting a great voice
- Neil Gaiman's Sandman - Netflix has finished filming
- The Boys Season 3 - The new trailer looks incredible
- Avatar, Last Air Bender RPG - Crowd Funding went crazy
- The Last Herald Mage - Bobbi's favorite author is going to hit the small screen
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #geek #nerd #restream #Netflix #Disney #MCU #BackEndDeals #QuietPlace2 #openingadoor #Cruella #Streaming #BreakEven #Variant #JamesBond #Knuckles #recording #voiceacting #AmericanGods #2022 #Comics #Universe #Darker #Serious #LGBTQ #Expansion #storyline #backstory #CGI #RPG #Math #4Nations #DnD #Valdemar #MercedesLackey #DynamicDuo

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
#Podcast #WGU never a dull moment in the studio as local author and adventurer Joe Vallen stops by to talk about his latest book to be released “International Best Selling Author Joe Vallen”; It’s a wild ride through the life and times while getting a little philosophical. The two also talk character development, alternate Earths, comics, and just what’s new since his last visit. Sit tight as the jokes fly and it get’s a little nerdy in here for your Weekend Geek Update Spotlight Edition.
Sponsored by . https://siouxsiequeues.com/
#LocalAuthor #Interview #Independentpublisher #Scifi #NewBook #JoeVallen #Adventure #NewEpisode #Popculture #SelfPublisher #YouTube #Podcast #iTunes #IHeartRadio #Spotify #Podbean #ApplePlay #5280Geek #StayGeeky

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues who is looking for vendors for the new Outworld Biazaar event happening November 14. https://siouxsiequeues.com/. This week Smurf gives you the rundown on some of the stories catching his eye and with season three of Titans premiering August 12 gives you his take on season one.
Before that some thoughts on Suicide Squad, Star Girls premier tonight, and the stunning trailer for Y The Last Man. Smurf asks “What If?”, South Park and what could be the possible fate for Casa Bonita. Bad Batch gets renewed for season two and in a shock announcement Fan Expo makes a major acquisition; all of this and more from your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #DC #Ythelastman #Scifi #Horror #Titans #Marvel #Cartoon #StarWars #BadBatch #SouthPark #BeerRelease #Conlife #Trailers #Netflix #streaming #NewEpisode #SmurfsTake #LetTheVillianShine #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube