
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/ who is in studio with Smurf this week to close out 2021. The two touch on the con season for 2022 and revisit some of the antics of ECCC. They also talk about the big hits for the year and some of the hopes for the new one.
Some final thought’s on Hawkeye (HotGuy), Book of Boba tomorrow and Smurf thinks he knows the identity the girl in the new trailer, and some hint’s about Cobra Kai this Friday. More Squid Games? Was Sweet Tooth the best of 2021? Thirsty Samurai New Year’s Eve event you don’t want to miss, all of this and so much more for your last Weekend Geek Update of 2021!
#NerdNews #Hawkeye #Marvel #Netflix #SquidGame #Streaming #Invincible #SweetTooth #Cartoon #StarWars #BobaFett #Cosplay #ConLife #Comics #Disney #NYE #CobraKai #NewEpisode #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Weekend Geek Update Spotlight
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
It’s table top game night in the studio this week as Andrew “Blu” Beaulieu of Blue Falcon Studios, introduces us to his new DND style roleplaying game Solar Arcanum. A game of Mages, Cyborgs, and your very own Glue Stick as high fantasy meets science fiction with it’s own unique dice mechanics.
Blu talks the game design the kick starter that will be starting soon and what to expect in the expanse module. A little game play, a few stories, some dice slinging, and a whole lot more sponsored by Lucky Dog Sake for this Spotlight edition of Weekend Geek Update.
#Podcast #Spotlight #Interview #Tabletop #Gameing #Tabletopgame #DND #DiceGame #Roleplaying #bluefalconstudios #SolarArcanum2199 #Popculture #5280Geek #StayGeeky

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/. Smurf is back with his take on different show’s and news from around the geek world starting with “What the Flux” and Doctor Who.
Con Life with reactions to ECCC and C2E2, a return character to the Flash, a bit on Dexter, and a new figure line from Super 7 that’s really animated. New Fantastic Beasts trailer, Hawkeye or as some call it “Hotguy” and Smurfs thoughts before the web crashing episode landing tomorrow and Smurfs take on the bad decision Cowboy Bebop. All of this and more for your Weekend Geek Update!
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #Whattheflux #Hawkeye #Marvel #Netflix #Streaming #Super7 #Animaniacs #actionfigures #Cartoon #CowboyBebop #Cosplay #ConLife #Comics #Disney #DoctorWho #Flash #FantasticBeasts #SecretesofDumbledore #Trailer #NewEpisode #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Nerds That Know
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Join Bobbi, Tank and Stache, with guest hosts from My Brother Is An Idiot Podcast, as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- Wheel of Time - Episodes 1-3
- Hawkeye - Episodes 1-3
- Cowboy Bebop - Live Action v. Anime
- Masters of the Universe pt. 2 - We're ready for season 2!!
- Pokémon Game; Shining Diamond & Brilliant Pearl - Game for the Switch
- Spiderman build up - Tom Holland is EVERYWHERE and Everyone in the movie is a liar!
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #geek #nerd #Farscape #GameofThrones #Books #Cliffs #LotR #Dragon #Skyrim #Quest #WomeninControl #VideoGame #CutScene #RobertJordan #Promotion #Hawkeye #FamilyMan #MCU #InfinityWar #EndGame #Ronin #DieHard #TracksuitMafia #Anime #DipshitoftheWeek #AdultSwim #BumblingBoob #MarkHamil #Spiderverse #Multiverse #Whatif #SinisterSix #Netflix #Disney+ #AmazonPrime

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Nerds That Know
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- Red Notice - Predictable Action Flick - But still a win (according to everyone but Stache)
- Eternals - Not Marvel's best work....
- Disney+ Day - Moon Knight - IMAX Release - Secret Invasion - Boys, Voyt+ Days - The Princess Movie
- Xbox 20 yr Anniversary was 11-15 - Halo Infinite Multiplayer dropped early
- Blizzard - Activision Walk Out - Second in 6 months
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #geek #nerd #CarsinSpace #actionFlick #Predictable #Netflix #DwayneJohnson #TomCruise #HeistFilm #HairUp #CombatTrained #BikiniScene #Sequel #150milwatchhours #TheBoys #Voyt #MoonKnight #IMAX #StarWars #FYouMouse #WreckItRalph #MeetOnlineFriends #XBox #Paramount+ #Disney+ #Vangaurd #Blizzard #Walkout #Support #MeToo #NFL #WashingtonFootballTeam #GamePass #PlayStation #Community #10RingsKicksAss #ItsAWin

Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Weekend Geek Update Spotlight Edition
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
#Podcast #WGU this week Smurf sits down with local artist legend Monte Michael Moore who just returned from the Galaxy’s Edge. It’s a rush of fandom overload as the two reminisce about the good old days of collecting, movies, and cons.
The two also chat about the many different projects Monte has worked on, ranging from D&D, Magic, Fantasy art, Westerns, and painting while working towards his recent work for Star Wars and the Mandalorian. The Maverick also talks about his recent Kickstarter Blood N’ Bullets #2 that’s all about “Gunfights and Vampire Bites” that’s live right now https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montemmoore/blood-nbullets-2-graphic-novel?fbclid=IwAR1akx-kuUH3gIPUA2H4a-eYinm6s2Ho64CPWJMMni7n8Xe8WmdLzTrYPaA
All of this and Moore for your spotlight Weekend Geek Update.
#NerdNews #GeekNews #Interview #LocalArtist #MMM #ExpectMoore #projectwelove #Kickstarter #BloodnBullets #Magic #fantasyart #DND #Art #Popculture #StarWars #Mandalorian #Popculture #5280Geek #StayGeek

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture with our special guest and sponsor Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/. sitting in the studio this week. It’s a quick recap of the Fan Expo from Sioux’s perspective and both compare notes on the celebrity guests. Talk about the latest and most amazing guest announcement for Emerald City Comic Con and what you can expect to pay for this legend. Smurf asks the tough question of when do you give up on a series, The Boy’s have an answer to Disney+ day, and the return of Dexter and Smurf couldn’t be happier.
Red Notice is not the mess everyone says and is very delightful, more Dune comparisons and clarifications of characters from the books and movies. Then it’s the conversation we have all been waiting for as the two talk Eternals and can it be compared to the Ten Rings since both are a Marvel property. All of this and so much more for your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #Dexter #RedNotice #TheBoys #DisneyPlus #Streaming #DoctorWho #Scifi #Eternals #TheTenRings #Dune #Cosplay #ConLife #FanExpoDenver #ECCC #Comics #Horror #NewEpisode #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Friday Nov 05, 2021
Nerds That Know
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Join our podcast as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Topics up for discussion this time.
- Denver Fan Expo - Most Costumes we've seen in a long time (check out the pictures on our Facebook Page) - Check out 5280 Geek for more from Smurf
- Dune - Someone call Hell and check the temperature.... we ALL agree on this one!!!
- Last Night in SoHo - That's more like it.... Smurf and Stache go head to head on this one
- Book of Boba Fett Trailer - We're sold.... We want it NOW
- Lightyear Trailer - Pixar is going to make us cry again
*We'll be off next week - but see us again November 17
#podcast #podbean #itunes #iheartradio #spotify #nerdsthatknow #ntk #5280geek #youtube #facebooklive #twitch #GeekOn #geek #nerd #FanExpo #PopCultureClassroom #Cosplay #Costumes #Halloween #Newfaces #HolidayWeekend #Princess #MaskMandate #GoT #1980s #BookAdaptation #Subtle #Blonde #Part2 #MattSmith #DanceSequence #WantMore #FredAstaire #Trailers #StarWars #Continued #DesperadoBobaFett #HuntingMF #Disney+ #ToyStory #FuckyouPixar #CaptainAmerica #ChrisEvans #Tissue #Tears #Onward #Suckerpunch

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/. This week Smurf recaps the week long events starting with his take on two horror films. It’s Antlers vs. Last Night in Soho as both come through in epic fashion but for entirely different reasons and which one Smurf is ready to go back and see again. There is also his take on the Fan Expo Denver event as he is almost moved to tears, meet’s a legend, and finds inspiration in the closing words of a panel.
But first season 13 of Doctor Who aired and Smurf has thoughts. A couple of trailers to fill the time as well with the release of the new Catwoman animated movie Hunted and The Book of Boba with a few surprises and a release date. All of this and so much more for your Weekend Geek Update.
#GeekNews #NerdNews #Popculture #DC #Horror #Antlers #LastNightinSoho #Streaming #DoctorWho #Scifi #Catwoman #StarTrek #StarWars #Slimer #Cosplay #ConLife #FanExpoDenver #DistortionsMonsterWorld #Comics #Halloween #NewEpisode #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky #IHeartRadio #Itunes #Spotify #Podbean #YouTube

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Nerds That Know
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
#Podcast #NTK #Popculture #VideoGames #Movies #Streaming #Anime #DCFandom #Halloween #Dune #CowboyBebop #Comics #Batman #Popculture