
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Nerds That Know
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Join Bobbi, Tank and Gul de Goon as we try to tackle Nerd News and fandoms. Instead we go for a trip down the Rabbit Hole..... Topics up for discussion this time.
- Walker Texas Ranger
- Moon Knight
- Batman on Spotify
- Fantastic Beasts
- Picard
- Ghostbusters Netflix Show
#nerdsthatknow #5280Geek #podcast #Podbean #restream #geekon #podcastersofinstagram #livestream #FacebookLive #twitch #StayGeeky #nerd #geek #geekon #podcast #podbean #Netflix #Disney+ #AmazonPrime #Missmybro #scarymovie #TheBoys #Pokemon #Tangent #DadJoke #Japan #AllCs #MCU #Insanity #DID #Venom #Batman #RadioShow #MyBrotherIsAnIdiot #GoonSquad #Sports #HarryPotter #Narnia #Casting #VoiceActors #KeithDavid #MorganFreeman #HenryRawlins

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Nerds That Know
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Join the Nerds and the Goons!
- Bridgerton
- DMZ - great cast
- The Boys Season 3
- House of the Dragon - GoT Prequel
- Picard Season 2
- Halo - Fan Service
- Playstation Plus - Updates in June
- Pokemon
- Ms Marvel - Show on Disney+ - SheHulk - We're confused
- Stranger Things Season 4
- Ryan Reynolds - Free Guy & Adam Project
- Star Trek Strange New Worlds
- The Winchesters - Supernatural Prequel
#somechanges #Kree #MCU #BruceBanner #XBox #Pokemon #Marvel #MCU #Disney+ #Visuals #Lore #SciFi #Adaptation #ComicBook #ShortStory #MiniSeries #Trailer #GoT #Laugh #SourceMaterial #FanService #TimeTravel #DS9 #BorgQueen #Doom #VoiceActor #MCU #Kenobi #JerseyMikes #Jedi #EwanMcGregor #HorrorGoonies #Cloverfield #Paramount+ #StarTrek

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/ this week Smurf reflects on a con that is closing it’s doors after 45 years. It’s a small look at the huge impact Starfest had on Smurf like so many others as he relives some of the moments.
Then it’s the cast as usual as Smurf starts a new segment and needs your help, recap of this last weekend’s con’s and what’s up next. Picard is going out with a bang for season three but not sure how season two is going as they rely on time travel yet again. What have we heard about Morbius so far, Halo and Smurf has his reaction to the first episode of Moon Knight. All of this and more for your Weekend Geek Update.
#Podcast #ConLife #Starfest #FinalCall #Scifi #NerdNews #SmurfsTake #Popculture #WGU #Streaming #StarTrek #Picard #Marvel #MoonKnight #DC #comics #LocalEvents #AskSmurf #5280Geek #StayGeeky

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/ this week Smurf catch’s you up on some of the stories that have his attention from the nerd world and his take on them. Along with con life on the road after just returning from Grand Comic Fest and the rundown on the Wicked West Comic Expo he will be at this weekend.
Some reactions to the first episode of Halo, Expectations for Moon Knight starting tomorrow, and James Gunn teases us with info for the Holiday Special for Guardians of the Galaxy. Disney is going back to it’s roots with a new special coming out April 27th, and Smurfs Take on the Diabolical series on Amazon; all of this and more for your Weekend Geek Update.
#Podcast #ConLife #Anime #Horror #Scifi #NerdNews #SmurfsTake #Popculture #WGU #Streaming #Animated #Cartoon #TheBoys #Halo #WickedWestComicExpo #Marvel #DisneyPlus #Toys #5280Geek #StayGeeky

Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/ who is in studio this week along with a couple of long time listeners and first time guests, Stewart and Marci. It’s a fun new perspective as they talk about the trailers for Obi-Wan, the Boys, and a new Ghostbusters game.
Batman gets a spoiler free chat, Avatar 2 may finally have a trailer on an upcoming film, and Mando get’s a father. Halo is coming but it may not be what the fans are looking for, Marvel reactions to lingering questions as we move closer to release dates. Give us a like, give us a share as we deliver your Weekend Geek Update.
#Podcast #Horror #Scifi #NerdNews #SmurfsTake #Popculture #WGU #Streaming #Batman #StarWars #ObiWanKenobi #TheBoys #Avatar #Ghostbusters #NewTrailers #Marvel #DC #StarTrek #LocalEvents #Videogames #5280Geek #StayGeeky

Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Nerds That Know
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Join Bobbi, Tank and Gul de Goon (with a surprise appearance from King Goon) as we tackle Nerd News and fandoms Topics up for discussion this time.
- DC SuperPets - Keanu Reeves is Batman!! - The Batman - Great for DC... still less than half of what Spiderman did
- Guardians of Justice - WTF??? In a good way
- Antony Starr, of The Boys - arrested and sentenced for being a d*%# - Diabolical - Meanwhile in The Boys universe
- Twisted Metal Video Game into a TV Show - PlayStation Now is changing - Code name PlayStation Spartacus - PlayStation announces new games
- Pokémon Day Announcements
- Netflix says goodbye to Marvel - in ALL forms
#nerdsthatknow #5280Geek #podcast #Podbean #restream #geekon #podcastersofinstagram #livestream #FacebookLive #twitch #StayGeeky #nerd #geek #geekon #podcast #podbean #Netflix #Disney+ #AmazonPrime #Cosplay #Gen9 #Scarlet #Violet #Pokemon #TMNT #Arcade #FinalFantasy #Spartacus #BlackMirrorBandersnatch #DeathRace #AnthonyMackie #WillArnet #WeDontTalkAboutBruno #Peacock #NBC #KickAss #Batman #AfterDark #Storytelling #TheBoys #Goon #Meanwhile #MCU #NFL #GentlemensBet #LifeHappens

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/ this week Smurf takes a little time to catch you up on some of the stories and shows that have his attention. A few trailers that have the nerd heart racing as both Marvel and Star Wars strut their stuff for the next month. Smurf has a few thoughts and reactions including his take on the first part of the Legend of Vox Machina.
Before that a few local con’s and events you don’t want to miss out on like the Anime Hangout happening this weekend, an art show at the Talk Studio, and an unexpected attraction that Smurf wants a specific item from. All of this and more for your Weekend Geek Update.
#Podcast #ConLife #Anime #Horror #Scifi #Popculture #NerdNews #SmurfsTake #WGU #Streaming #DND #TableTopGaming #VoxMachina #Cartoon #AdamProject #NewTrailers #StarWars #Marvel #DC #StarTrek #DrSuess #TalkGallery #LocalEvents #Toys #5280Geek #StayGeeky

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Weekend Geek Update Spotlight
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/ this week Smurf welcomes back the creative force behind the indie comic book Mythica, Matt Campbell. It’s a chance to catch up as the two talk about the recent All C’s Fan Expo, how the teaching in his art class has been elevated, and a little Batman talk as some spoiler free chat about the movie comes out.
There is a new Kickstarter Matt has going on right now for issue 8 of Mythica and tells us about the bonus material you get by being a backer as it starts to close in on a few stretch goals. Including additional comics, a chance at exclusives while discussing the action happening in the latest installment. Check out the link below to become a backer, all of this and more as we talk about the life of a sequential artist in your Weekend Geek Update
#Podcast #Art #Artist #Kickstarter #newproject #NewComic #IndieComics #ActionlineStudio #Mythica #MythicaManiac #LocalArtist #Comics #ScottishLore #Monsters #Horror #Scifi #Popculture #Interview #SpotlightInterview #SmurfsTake #Popculture #WGU #5280Geek #StayGeeky

Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Weekend Geek Update
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
#Podcast #WGU the latest in #Geeknews and #Popculture sponsored by Siouxsie Queues https://siouxsiequeues.com/ this week Smurf talks to the Provocateur of Talk Gallery Gordon Mehterian. It’s all about the art this week as the two cover it’s language, emotions, and does it have the power to heal the world. There’s more than education as they talk styles, likes, dislikes, places to go and what you’re looking at.
Gordon also talks about his space and the show he has coming up March 18, along with past shows and what he looks for when laying out a showing or inviting an artist into the space. To quote Steven Burst; “There is no canvas so large an artist can hide behind” and there’s a lot of power behind that statement as the two talk about different works, all of this and a lot more for your Weekend Geek Update.
#Art #ArtShowing #ArtistStyle #Provocateur #ArtGallery #TALKGallery #LocalShow #ArtInterpretation #Arteducation #ArtAppreciation #Interview #SpotlightInterview #SmurfsTake #Popculture #5280Geek #StayGeeky

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Nerds that Know
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
This Week on the Nerds that Know:
Reacher- Fantastic action story with good character development and a believable hero in a bigger than life story. tom cruise is an asshole
#Podcast #NTK #Popculture #NerdNews #GeekNews #MovieTrailers #NewTrailers #MCU #LOTR #DoctorStrange #Reacher #WhatWouldReacherDo #Streaming #Netflix #Amazon #NerdsThatKnow